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Photos of Letters

Updated on March 23, 2014

Photographs of Letters

I've had heaps of fun photographing numbers (see link below).

Now I'm trying my hand at letters.

My latest find is below, followed by all photos to date in, um, alphabetical order.

Let me know what you think!

M is for ... - You know what!

photo letter M Mcdonalds art deco building
photo letter M Mcdonalds art deco building

I hate what this M stands for, but I love this photo. So, should I use it or not? I'd really appreciate your view in the poll below. Thanks a lot!

M is ALSO for ... - Mesmerising.


Few could argue this is a riveting performance.

Your View

Which M should I use?

See results

A is for ... - A funny thing happened on the way to the forum.


Standing room is becoming just ... room.

B is for ... - Buggered if I know!


It's early days, but I can already see a theme developing. Why are these letters getting nailed up all over the joint?!

E is for ... - Entertainment.


I found this E under my seat at Melbourne's Athenaeum Theatre. Next to it is one of the sparkly smileys Carrie Fisher cast into the audience at the start of her Wishful Drinking show. It was fun.

F is for ... - Fonetic spelling.


One of the blokes from Masterchef (the English one, I think) has a swish restaurant called Fenix. This is his F.

N is for ... - Nearly there.


Our author was either slow, bored, interrupted or ill-equipped. Notwithstanding the wooden performance, we get the idea.

P is for ... - Push off!


To me, this sign says: 'I'm NOT a P, but I did see one go thataway! Now push off and stop bothering me.'

Put up or shut up?

In my other lens (Photos of Numbers - see below for link) I don't have written descriptions. But in this lens, I do. My question to you is:

What would you rather see?

See results

R is for ... - Reach for the sky.


I almost did my neck getting this shot. Whoever hides these letters has a weird sense of humour!

S is for ... - Saved in the nick of time.

photo letter S
photo letter S

Judging from the T on the other side of this smashed sign, I think this was an old taxi depot. It's since been a video hire place and a bric-a-brac shop. I love the deep blue sky in this shot. And how the ragged cloud seems to mirror the shattered plastic. Very happy!

Quick Quiz

Are you having fun yet?

See results

W is for ... - Wealth of detail.


Sometimes you just find letters lying in the street. I'm quite partial to a bit of cast iron. Especially when you have underlying corrosion buffed to a sheen by pedestrian traffic. And a little verdigris on the edges is a bonus.

Z is for ... - Zounds!


I don't know why this Z was tacked onto a gum tree, but it was. Nor does the naval-style triangulation ring any bells (tee hee). I welcome your theories.


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